
Talgarth Property for Sale

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Selected Talgarth Property for Sale

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THE PROPERTY London House is an impressive three storey end of terrace commercial building with extensive residential accommodation above, offering scope for a variety of uses. Enjoying over 1500 square foot of ground floor space, which is currently being

£750,000 BRONLLYS ROAD, TALGARTH, BRECON, POWYS - Reduced 7 Beds Detached

£1,550,000 BRONLLYS, BRECON, LD3 - Reduced 10 Beds Detached
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A rare and unique chance to purchase a Grade II * listed Georgian House within the curtilage of an ancient Motte & Bailey castle which includes the original stone keep. There is also a two bed cottage, two bed coach house, two bed converted barn and other

Situated just a stone's throw away from the town centre, this appealing 1930s detached family home presents a fantastic opportunity for those eager to create their perfect home. Boasting three bedrooms and two inviting living spaces, this property ...

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This spacious, four bed, semi-detached house is situated in a popular location and has lots of potential to be a wonderful family home. It also benefits from parking, a garage and a fab, large lawned garden.

£1,550,000 BRONLLYS CASTLE, BRONLLYS, POWYS 10 Beds Detached
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Perched atop a lofty bank that swoops down to the Llynfi River, this Grade II*-listed Georgian house and its adjoining properties are guarded by a Grade I-listed medieval motte-and-bailey castle, under the guardianship of Cadw. The grounds encompass four

£600,000 BRONLLYS, BRECON, LD3 4 Beds Detached

Situated on the outskirts of the village, this detached house offers well appointed accommodation which includes 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen-breakfast room plus a utility room, a study and reception room with a stone fireplace and wood burning ...

You can see a list of All Property for Sale in Talgarth

House Prices in Talgarth

The Home.co.uk property search contains 7 links to property for sale in Talgarth - with 1 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in Talgarth is £777,857. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in Talgarth

Talgarth Property Information

To find estate agents with property for sale in Talgarth, maps of Talgarth and all other local property information for Talgarth, please see: Talgarth Property Information

To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring Talgarth, please see: Local Map for Talgarth

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