LL29 Property for Sale

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Selected LL29 Property for Sale

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A self contained 2 BEDROOM FIRST FLOOR FLAT being the middle of a large three storey house, located on the level withing a short walk to the village and bus services. Of interest to investors or a first time buyer the property is for sale with NO ONGOING

Added on 6th Jun 23 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
2 Beds Flat
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Added on 13th Jul 23 & last checked on 18th Oct 24
3 Beds Detached
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Added on 2nd Sep 23 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
4 Beds Detached
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Added on 19th Sep 23 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
3 Beds 
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Added on 16th Oct 23 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
2 Beds Flat
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Added on 5th Dec 23 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
3 Beds Flat
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Added on 16th Feb 24 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
2 Beds Flat
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Added on 14th Jun 24 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
6 Beds Terraced
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Added on 5th Jul 24 & last checked on 19th Oct 24
2 Beds Flat
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Public notice Address - Flat 3, Rosehill Manor, Queens Avenue, LL29 7BE We are acting in the sale of the above property and have received an offer of 95,000 Any interested parties must submit any higher offers in writing to the selling agent before an ...

Added on 11th Jul 24 & last checked on 15th Oct 24
2 Beds Detached

You can see a list of All Property for Sale in LL29

House Prices in LL29

The Home.co.uk property search contains 243 links to property for sale in LL29 - with 17 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in LL29 is £275,076. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in LL29

LL29 Property Information

To find estate agents with property for sale in LL29, maps of LL29 and all other local property information for LL29, please see: LL29 Property Information

To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring LL29, please see: Local Map for LL29

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