HS8 Property for Sale

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Selected HS8 Property for Sale

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Decrofted plot extending to approximately 1/3 of an acre on the beautiful Hebridean Island of South Uist

Added on 6th May 22 & last checked on 15th Sep 24
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We offer for sale a spacious detached and extended bungalow set in the peaceful crofting township of Daliburgh. This property has a spacious lounge with a fitted kitchen and useful utility area. With three double bedrooms this property would make an ...

Added on 21st Apr 23 & last checked on 15th Sep 24
3 Beds 
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A rare opportunity to create a unique new home in an outstanding prime island location. The purchaser may choose their own designs and create a home to suit their requirements with a renewable heating source and to suit their lifestyle (subject to necessa

Added on 25th Nov 23 & last checked on 15th Sep 24

You can see a list of All Property for Sale in HS8

House Prices in HS8

The Home.co.uk property search contains 3 links to property for sale in HS8 - with 0 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in HS8 is £188,333. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in HS8

HS8 Property Information

To find estate agents with property for sale in HS8, maps of HS8 and all other local property information for HS8, please see: HS8 Property Information

To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring HS8, please see: Local Map for HS8

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