
Edwinstowe Property for Sale

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Selected Edwinstowe Property for Sale

£175,000 FIFTH AVENUE, MANSFIELD NG21 - Reduced 3 Beds Semi
Property thumbnail

3 Bedroom End terrace House with a Garage that's over 40 foot long with air conditioning.

£320,000 MANVERS CRESCENT, EDWINSTOWE, MANSFIELD - Reduced 3 Beds Detached


£330,000 EAST LANE, EDWINSTOWE 3 Beds Detached

£300,000 MANVERS CRESCENT, EDWINSTOWE, MANSFIELD - Reduced 3 Beds Detached

£535,000 SANDY LANE, EDWINSTOWE, MANSFIELD - Reduced 5 Beds Detached

£106,000 TRINITY ROAD, EDWINSTOWE, MANSFIELD - Reduced 2 Beds Flat

£425,000 RUFFORD ROAD, EDWINSTOWE, MANSFIELD - Reduced 3 Beds Detached

£475,000 JUNIPER CLOSE, EDWINSTOWE 4 Beds Detached


You can see a list of All Property for Sale in Edwinstowe

House Prices in Edwinstowe

The Home.co.uk property search contains 53 links to property for sale in Edwinstowe - with 4 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in Edwinstowe is £312,782. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in Edwinstowe

Edwinstowe Property Information

To find estate agents with property for sale in Edwinstowe, maps of Edwinstowe and all other local property information for Edwinstowe, please see: Edwinstowe Property Information

To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring Edwinstowe, please see: Local Map for Edwinstowe

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