
Carinish Property for Sale

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Selected Carinish Property for Sale

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House and the Assignation of the Tenancy of 19 Carinish.Very well-presented four-bedroom bungalow with two-bedroom annexe situated in the village of Carinish on the Island of North Uist together with the Assignation of the Tenancy of croft 19 Carinish, ex

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CURRENTLY BEING UTILISED AS A HOTEL. Beautifully renovated 10-bedroom property (all en-suite) comprising lounge bar, dining room, sun lounge and further lounge. Located on North Uist, in the Outer Hebrides, and surrounded by spectacular views.

You can see a list of All Property for Sale in Carinish

House Prices in Carinish

The Home.co.uk property search contains 2 links to property for sale in Carinish - with 1 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in Carinish is £372,500. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in Carinish

Carinish Property Information

To find estate agents with property for sale in Carinish, maps of Carinish and all other local property information for Carinish, please see: Carinish Property Information

To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring Carinish, please see: Local Map for Carinish

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