KA19 Property for Sale
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Selected KA19 Property for Sale
Prime Property Auctions New Entry. Great size plot of beside Cairn Primary School on Glebe Crescent, Maybole - PRICED TO SELL * 33, Glebe Crescent, Maybole, Ayrshire KA19 7HZ previously sold for 110,000, 10, Kirkland Street, Maybole, Ayrshire KA19 7HD pre
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Typical mortgage payment: £143pm
Prime Property Auctions New Entry. Large 1 bedroom tenanted Investment property. Property is currently tenanted at 399 pcm providing immediate cashflow. * 15 Castle Street Maybole, KA19 7DD sold for 40,000 April 202, 13 Castle Street Maybole, KA19 7DD sol
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Property also listed on Primelocation.com Rightmove.co.uk
- Typical mortgage payment: £167pm
SUPER INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY* One bedroom tenanted flat located in popular residential area within the South Ayrshire town of Maybole. .
PRIME BUY-TO-LET INVESTMENT PROPERTY* One bedroom tenanted flat within popular Ayrshire town of Maybole..
PERFECT BUY-TO-LET INVESTMENT PROPERTY. 1 bedroom flat located in popular residential area within the South Ayrshire town of Maybole. *IMMEDIATE RETURN ON INVESTMENT.
PRIME BUY-TO-LET INVESTMENT PROPERTY* one bedroom tenanted flat located within the heart of the historic Ayrshire town of Maybole..
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Typical mortgage payment: £138pm
This beautiful countryside cottage oozes elegance and class. The property is in walk-in condition with many extremely unique features and is set in an enchanting plot. The countryside lifestyle is waiting for you! Early viewing is extremely advised for th
- Property marketed by McEwan Fraser Legal - 0131 253 2263
- More details on Onedome.com Onthemarket.com
- Property also listed on Espc.com Mcewanfraserlegal.co.uk Nethouseprices.com Primelocation.com Rightmove.co.uk S1homes.com Sspc.co.uk
- Typical mortgage payment: £1,813pm
One Bedroom GROUND FLOOR property located in the popular Ayrshire town of Maybole. Perfect Buy-To-Let or Holiday Let apartment. Potentially exceptional yield. Freehold Residential Sale..
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Property also listed on Primelocation.com
- Typical mortgage payment: £129pm
We are excited to present this excellent 1 bedroom flat, situated in a prime location in Maybole - *Guide Price 22,000* * 15 Castle Street Maybole, KA19 7DD sold for 40,000 April 202, 13 Castle Street Maybole, KA19 7DD sold for 36,000 November 2023 * For
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Property also listed on Primelocation.com Rightmove.co.uk
- Typical mortgage payment: £105pm
READY TO LET TRADITIONAL one bedroom property located on a historic street within the popular Ayrshire town of Maybole. On street parking available. REALISTIC RENTAL- 395 pcm (4,740 per annum)..
- More details on Onthemarket.com
- Typical mortgage payment: £91pm
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House Prices in KA19
The Home.co.uk property search contains 32 links to property for sale in KA19 - with 4 listed in the last 14 days. The average price of property for sale in KA19 is £310,186. Full details at: Current Asking Prices in KA19
KA19 Property Information
To find estate agents with property for sale in KA19, maps of KA19 and all other local property information for KA19, please see: KA19 Property Information
To search for property for sale in areas neighbouring KA19, please see: Local Map for KA19
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