Property For Rent In SP2
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Selected Properties for Rent in SP2
Retirement Living property at Pembroke House, Fisherton Street, Salisbury, SP2 7SX For independent living, SUITABLE FOR PEOPLE AGED 55+ ONLY. 2 bedroom 3 person Second floor flat, suitable for (joint occupancy) or (sole occupancy with live-in carer). (Lif ......
A lovely three bedroom mid terrace property with off street parking, good sized garden recently redecorated.
* VIEWINGS ON HOLD DUE HIGH DEMAND*A two bedroom character home, situated in a tucked-away position convenient for the railway station, city centre and Churchfields with enclosed garden.
**Zero Deposit Guarantee Available** Holding Deposit: 196.15 summary Zero Deposit Option Available - Ready For a January Move-In - Enquire Today! Description **viewings on hold due the level of interest** available with zero deposit option. Fox and ...
**Zero Deposit Guarantee Available** Holding Deposit: 184.00 summary An over 60's ground floor one bedroom retirement flat set in close proximity to Salisbury City Centre. Communal car-park and many facilities within the retirement development. ...
A bright and airy two bedroom first floor flat in the heart of Wilton, which provides excellent and modern accommodation.
**Zero Deposit Guarantee Available** Holding Deposit: 242.00 summary A spacious two bedroom semi-detached home situated within walking disctance to the train station/city centre. Offered unfurnished and available shortly. Description Two bedroom ...
A recently redecorated, spacious one bedroom, unfurnished ground floor flat situated just a short walk from the train station and city centre with private garden.
**Zero Deposit Guarantee Available** Holding Deposit: 253.00 summary Two double bedroom spacious mid-terrace home, recently updated. Communal carpark with ample spaces. Offered unfurnished and available shortly. Description A superb two double bedroom ...
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