Most Active Estate Agents in Potton (Home Sales)

The Property Search Engine found 10 agents advertising 40 properties within 1 mile of the centre of Potton. All Potton Estate Agents are listed below, along with the number of Potton Properties For Sale in their respective property portfolios followed by their estimated market share (% of total Potton property market).

Buyers and sellers of Potton property will probably find that these popular leading estate agents can offer above average market insight and property sales service.

Latcham Dowling - 01480 772012
Suite 11-12 The Knowledge Centre, Wyboston Lakes, Wyboston, MK44 3BA
11 properties (28%)
Purplebricks - 020 3879 4748
Purplebricks,, 650 The Crescent Colchester Business Park,, Colchester,, United Kingdom,, CO4 9YQ
1 property (3%)
Satchells - 01767 667231
49 High Street, Biggleswade, SG18 0JH
1 property (3%)

* Calls cost 10ppm plus your network access charge

See also: Estate Agents in Potton, Potton Property Information