Most Active Estate Agents in Great Harwood (Home Sales)

The Property Search Engine found 27 agents advertising 81 properties within 1 mile of the centre of Great Harwood. The top 20 Great Harwood Estate Agents are listed below, along with the number of Great Harwood Properties For Sale in their respective property portfolios followed by their estimated market share (% of total Great Harwood property market).

Buyers and sellers of Great Harwood property will probably find that these popular leading estate agents can offer above average market insight and property sales service.

Keenans Estate Agents - 01254 956875
7 Blackburn Road, Accrington, Lancashire, BB5 1HF
21 properties (26%)
Mortimers - 01254 961485
22 Blackburn Road, Accrington, BB5 1HD
11 properties (14%)
Stones Young Limited - 01254 961440
The Old Post Office, 740 Whalley New Road, Blackburn, BB1 9BA
4 properties (5%)
Bridgfords - 01254 961448
9 Sudell Cross, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB1 7EB
2 properties (2%)
Property Shop - 01254 961463
Head Office, 11-13 Blackburn Road, Accrington, BB5 1HF
2 properties (2%)
Purplebricks - 020 3879 4748
Purplebricks,, 650 The Crescent Colchester Business Park,, Colchester,, United Kingdom,, CO4 9YQ
2 properties (2%)
British Homesellers - 01727 861580
Third Floor, St. Peters House, 45-49 Victoria Street, St. Albans
1 property (1%)
expressestateagency - 0161 209 3161
Peter House, Oxford Street, Manchester, M1 5AN
1 property (1%)
Hunters - 01254 961101
207-209 Duckworth Street, Darwen, BB3 1AU
1 property (1%)
The Coach House, 28 Duck Street, Clitheroe, BB7 1LP
1 property (1%)
Keller Williams - 020 3892 9627
Suite 1G, Widford Business Centre, 33 Robjohns Road, Chelmsford, CM1 3AG
1 property (1%)

* Calls cost 10ppm plus your network access charge

See also: Estate Agents in Great Harwood, Great Harwood Property Information