Most Active Estate Agents in Chalgrove (Home Sales)

The Property Search Engine found 10 agents advertising 25 properties within 1 mile of the centre of Chalgrove. All Chalgrove Estate Agents are listed below, along with the number of Chalgrove Properties For Sale in their respective property portfolios followed by their estimated market share (% of total Chalgrove property market).

Buyers and sellers of Chalgrove property will probably find that these popular leading estate agents can offer above average market insight and property sales service.

InHouse Estate Agents - 01491 521490
The Property Centre, 28 St Martins Street, Wallingford, Oxon, OX10 0AL
6 properties (24%)
The Old Post Office, Haseley Road, Little Milton, OX44 7PP
3 properties (12%)
Allen & Harris - 08720 451473*
6 St. Marys Street, WALLINGFORD, Oxfordshire, OX10 0EL
2 properties (8%)
Amelies Estate Agents - 01865 638738
Sandford Gate,, Sandy Lane West,, Oxford,, OX4 6LB
1 property (4%)
Carter Jonas - 01865 638765
Mayfield House, 256 Banbury Road, Oxford, OX2 7DE
1 property (4%)
Chancellors - 01491 523103
5, St. Martins Street, Wallingford, OX10 0AL
1 property (4%)
Connells - 01865 638853
1/2 Between Towns Road, Cowley, Oxford, OX4 3LR
1 property (4%)
Fine & Country - 0121 387 6323
Fine & Country, 11 Brindley Place, Brunswick Square, Birmingham, B1 2LP
1 property (4%)
Fine & Country - 01865 680755
267 Banbury Road,Oxford,Oxfordshire,OX2 7HT
1 property (4%)

* Calls cost 10ppm plus your network access charge

See also: Estate Agents in Chalgrove, Chalgrove Property Information